What to do if a false domestic violence and dowry case is registered against you

By Panindia


The violence that affects a person’s life in every way – physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically is known as Domestic Violence. It is a violation of a basic human right. Various countries of the world have identified it as a serious threat to a person’s overall development and hence, has provided relief from domestic violence in various forms. India has also identified domestic violence as a crime and provides relief and protection from it – unfortunately to only Women!

Domestic violence against men is almost nil as there is no provision in any law to protect a man. As a result of which we have many cases where women use their rights in making false complaint against their husbands with the motive of harassing them. Moreover, everyone including our government has failed to take any stand on addressing the violence faced by men.

Women use the weapons called Section 498A and Dowry Act to file a false complaint so as to attack their husband. Section 498A of Indian Penal Code is a provision under which a husband, his parents, and relatives can be booked for subjecting a woman to cruelty to meet their unlawful demands (dowry). Generally, the husband, his parents, and relatives are immediately arrested without sufficient investigation and put behind bars on non-bailable terms. Even if the complaint is false, the accused is presumed to be guilty until he or she proves innocence in the court. The maximum punishment if proven guilty is imprisonment for three years.

Stand of Judiciary on False Complaints made by Women

The judiciary is well aware of the misuse of Section 498A. Supreme Court called it legal terrorism. But even the judiciary is helpless due to tremendous pressures from feminist groups. There is a bill pending in Rajya Sabha for amendment to Section 498A.

Justice Malimath, former Chief Justice of Karnataka and Kerala High courts headed a committee which gave its report on comprehensive amendments to Criminal Laws. This committee recommended that 498A should be made bailable and compoundable. Listening to the recommendation of the committee Feminist groups and their contacts inside Amnesty International threatened for agitation on this issue.

What to do if a False Domestic Violence and Dowry case is registered against you

If a false complaint is registered against you by your wife, you have two options – either to defend your case and wait for the judgement or to file a counter case against your wife and prove her wrong. Both are detailed below.


You can defend yourself and your family from being sent to jail because of the false complaint. You have following options to defend your family and yourself-

Collect as many pieces of evidence as possible

Safeguard your Family

There are hundred of cases where the whole family is put behind the bars just because of one false complaint. Section 498A has a very wide jurisdiction under which the women can complain against anyone in the family. Even the mother and the father of the husband are not immune. In such a situation the husband can do the following to safeguard his parents and other family members –

How the case turns out would totally depend on which state the case is lodged. Different states have different mechanisms to deal with the problems of false cases.

Complaint about blackmailing, false allegations

Lodge a complaint to your nearest police station, detailing about blackmailing, her false allegations, and her unbearable behaviour. Request in your complaint that police should take necessary actions to stop her from making threats and abuses immediately, also tell the police verbally and in writing along with available evidence that you are facing blackmailing and threats and mental torture from your wife and/or her family, as the case maybe. Filing such a complaint early on can save you from a lot of trouble later on if you are the first one to file this.

Drawback of this move

What I suggest in such circumstances

File RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights)

If your wife has left your place after all the blackmailing and threatening, you can file RCR (Restitution of Conjugal Rights) mentioning the conditions that she should agree on before she starts living with you again.

Do not enter into a Settlement with your wife

Raise the issue of false complaint

Start writing letters to the media, human rights organizations, etc, telling them about the misuse of Section 498A. Use social media platform for reaching the mass. This will not give you legal relief but bring the attention of the society toward the misuses of the law.

http://www.pmindia.gov.in/en/interact-with-honble-pm/ – here you can submit your complaint to the Prime Minister of India.


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To make your case stronger and to expect an earlier settlement, you can file counter cases against your wife. Below is a list of counter cases you can file to strong your case. But for this purpose, you will need an advocate to represent you, though it should be in your knowledge as what remedies you have or what counter cases you can file against your wife.


The false complaint against men is increasing every day, it’s a serious issue as it violates the basic human rights. The problem is not unknown to anybody, everybody knows how women misuse the provisions of the law to fulfil their unlawful demands against their husbands. Moreover, Sec 498A is non-compoundable which make it more severe for men. Though the government recently has given some guidelines to amend the existing laws, making same provisions for men and women. The Supreme Court is also working hard on making things better for Indian men as a result of which, in a judgement the court gave some guidelines against the arbitrary arrest of men in 498A cases. Also, with the tremendous misuse of Section 489A, there are landmark judgments in favour of the male. A recent judgment states that if a false allegation is made against a husband by the female, that would constitute grounds for divorce. Link: False dowry charge ground for divorce, Supreme Court rules – The Times of India